Sunday, September 16, 2012


It's funny to look at my pictures from just a few months ago and see how much I have changed. Or to look back at pictures from 1 year ago and think of how my perspective has totally changed. My friend always has a good motto "Always forward never backwards, even if you feel like you need to regain your strength". In every new beginning of any new chapter of my life I try to think of a motto to keep me on the right track. So for my Peace Corps service I have decided on one for now " Be prepared at any moment to sacrifice who you are now, for the person the person that you will become". I feel myself changing internally for the best I think. But sometimes when you are surrounded by suffering you just become used to seeing it and that also changes you as well. It's a reminder of no matter how sometimes things may be frustrating that there is a greater purpose to my presence here. That all petty worries need to be set aside because I have work to do. I not writing this in frustration to any particular issue, but as a reminder to myself and others. That though we can get caught in small things on the surface of our everyday activities. If you stop and dig deep there is a a lesson to each moment of your life. Because....everyone and every situation is an opportunity to be a teacher for life learning. OK not trying to get super deep but thought I would share if anyone else was needing a reminder like I need everyday:)
Stay blessed!

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